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Wrapped Wool Hearts

Our Valentines themed class included, painting, drawing, making fizzing paints and all sorts of messy things! If you fancy something involving very little mess to do at home we also made wrapped wool heart wreaths which would be great to try at home!

wrapped wool hearts

To make a wrapped wool wreath you need...

- A heart shaped cardboard cut out, like that shown in the photo. I had pre cut ones but you could easily make ones from a cardboard cereal box or paper plate.

- Wool in a range of colours

- selotape

- scissors

- Optional - heart shaped punches and paper, tissue paper and glue

Simply cut a length of wool (about 50cm is plenty or it gets in a tangle), and attach to the back with a bit of selotape. Show your child how to take the wool over and under to wrap the wool. Keep on going securing with tape at the back each time the wool comes to an end and replace with a new colour. You can also offer your child hearts cut by hand or a heart punch to add on, or tissue paper made into flowers if you are happy to get a little messy!

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